Thursday, March 8, 2012

Don't judge the people by yourself

      Nobody is perfect. But I'm trying to be my best. But sometimes, some people make me sad because they talk something bad about me. On contrary, they don't know the factual problem or the reasons why I become their object of blaming and unfair judgment. They just see me as a bad girl. Frankly speaking, they don't have rights to judge me. I never do any harm to them. I never make them in trouble but why do they always judge me bad? In fact, they don't know the real fact! They don't know the reasons! They don't even know who I really am!
      They don't have rights to push me to do something I really can't do. I just can't take it any longer! And when I say I can't do it, they see me as a mean and unworthy girl. It's frustrating to see how they look at me. They glance at me with their judging eyes. I can't do anything about it. So when I am being watched with judging look, I just keep my head down and try my best to avoid their gaze. I just ask God to give me strength to past my day at school.

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