Thursday, March 8, 2012

Reality About Me

       I have wonderful wishes for my future, but I live in the present time now. And my expectation for the future is really different from my present life. I know it takes hard study and much determination to reach my expectation but in reality, I don't really study hard to achieve my expectation. I know it's gonna be very difficult to be a dentist or a nutritionist, I mean I must get very good scores for Biology, but right now, my Biology score is far from satisfying the need to be in Medical University. I don't study Biology hard! Moreover, I don't like Biology! It's difficult, I guess. I find it hard to memorize Biology. Not to mention the texts are in English which makes things more complicated to be memorized.

      I feel I'm still lazy. I wish I were more diligent to study everything. My weakness is that I'm to selfish now. I'm pursuing my happiness only. I still want to enjoy my high school life by having fun and not being burdened with much responsibility to prepare for my future. I still want to hang out with my best friends on weekends, watch movies or do some fun activities with my peers.
      I'm not actually being idle at home. I also help my mother do the house chores sometimes. I usually have courses and study for my lessons. It's just that I feel I'm not really in to the act of pursuing my expectation. But I wish by writing these problems, I can figure out how to make myself better.

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